pk2 - kaving rumah exclusive view danau

JULI 2020



Kawasan Kavling Mewah Dengan View Danau

HARGA KAVLING Start Rp 26jt/M2

- Cicil 36x Tanpa DP -

a flyer for green living in indonesia


orchard boulevard bukit daniu indah site plan

Pilihan Kavling Badan BDI :

10x25 (250m2)

10x30 (300m2)

12x30 (360m2)

15x30 (450m2)

Ilustrasi Perhitungan Kavling PBV PIK 2

Luas Tanah : 10 X 30 (300m2)

Harga Tanah Rp 26jt/M2

Total Harga Rp 7.800.000.000

Cara Bayar :

Booking Fee Rp 100jt

Angsuran 36x @Rp 213,8jt/Bln

Selain Kavling Residential, Bukit Danau Indah Juga Tersedia Rumah Mewah :

(Updated SEPT 2022)

(Hanya Sisa 1 Unit - Rumah Siap Huni)

Type CELLO 12x30

3+1 KT

(360m2 / 340m2)

Harga Cash Keras Rp 13.900.000.000

Harga Cicilan 36x Rp

Cicil 36x @Rp 419.200.000

Harga BP Rp

Angs 1-24 @Rp 95.000.000

Angs Ke 25 @Rp 12.808.000.000

KPR 10 Th @Rp 134,3jt

KPR 15 Th @Rp 99,6jt

the floor plan of a house with two bedrooms and two bathrooms

Site Plan Bukit Danau Indah (Rumah)

the bukit dani indah site plan

Map Pricing (Peta Harga Rumah) Bukit Danau Indah

a map showing the location of bukit dani indah
a house with the words bukit danau indah
a map showing the location of a train station
a rendering of a residential complex with people walking around
an aerial view of a city with a skyscraper in the background
5 salah satu green belt pk 2
a picture of a house with a river in the background
10 kinging residential danang yang sasi
an artist's rendering of a swimming pool and outdoor area
the entrance to a building with a sign that says 12 hour security

Contoh Design Rumah

Luas Kav 10x30 (300m2)

a rendering of a house with trees in the background
three floor plans for a house with a swimming pool
a modern living room with glass walls and a staircase

Untuk Informasi Representative Hubungi:


Whatsapp 0811 837 188

Specialist Project

Agung Sedayu Group 2010 s/d 2023

Marketing Of The Year Pergudangan Green Sedayu Bizpark Cakung

an aerial view of a city with a golf course in the background