pk2 simprug village
pk2 simpang village
a house with a car parked in front of it at dusk

Oktober 2020

Agung Sedayu Group & Salim Group mempersembahkan

cluster terbaru Kavling Residential Elite dengan view Danau yang cantik dan asri


Miliki Segera..

HARGA KAVLING start Rp 26jt/m2

- Cicil 36x flat tanpa DP -

a map showing the location of pk2
a map showing the location of a new development
a map showing the location of steplan pik 2


the site plan for simpul village
the site plan for simpul village

Pilihan Luas Kavling Simprug Village

8X27 (216m2) @Rp 26jt/m2

12x30 (360m2) @Rp 26jt/m2

12x35 (420m2) @Rp 26jt/m2

10x45 (450m2) @Rp 29,5jt/m2

25x45 (1125m2) @Rp 29,5jt/m2 (view Danau)

Ilustrasi Perhitungan Kavling

LT: 8x27 (216m2) x @Rp 26jt/m2

Total Harga Rp 5.616.000.000

Cara Bayar :

Booking Fee Rp 100jt

Angsuran 36x @Rp 153,2jt/bln

(Updated FEB 2023)

SIMPRUG VILLAGE Juga Tersedia Pilihan-Pilihan Rumah Mewah :

Type CELESTA 8x15

4+1 KT

(120m2 / 157m2)

Harga Cash Keras Rp 4.727.000.000

Harga Cicilan Rp

Cicilan 36x @Rp 142.200.000

Harga KPR Rp

Angs 1-24 @Rp 33.000.000

Angs Ke 25 @Rp 4.536.000.000

KPR 10 Th @Rp 54,6jt

KPR 15 Th @Rp 43,6jt

simpang village floor plan

Type CLARINET 8x27

3+1 KT

(216m2 / 203m2)

Harga Cash Keras Rp 7.727.000.000

Harga Cicilan Rp 8.398.000.000

Cicilan 36x @Rp 232.800.000

Harga KPR Rp 8.398.000.000

Angs 1-24 @Rp 53.000.000

Angs Ke 25 @Rp

KPR 10 Th @Rp 74,5jt

KPR 15 Th @Rp 55,2jt

clarinet simpung village floor plan

Type CELLO 12x30

3+1 KT

(360m2 / 340m2)

Harga Cash Keras Rp 12.893.000.000

Harga Cicilan Rp

Cicilan 36x @Rp 388.800.000

Harga KPR Rp

Angs 1-24 @Rp 88.000.000

Angs Ke 25 @Rp 11.882.000.000

KPR 10 Th @Rp 124,5jt

KPR 15 Th @Rp 92,4jt

simpung village floor plan

Type VIOLA 12x35

3+1 KT

(420m2 / 396m2)

Harga Cash Keras Rp 16.485.000.000

Harga Cicilan Rp 17.994.000.000

Cicilan 36x @Rp 499.300.000

Harga KPR Rp

Angs 1-24 @Rp 114.000.000

Angs Ke 25 @Rp 15.367.000.000

KPR 10 Th @Rp 192,6jt

KPR 15 Th @Rp 153,6jt

wila simpang village floor plan wila simpang village floor plan wila simpang village floor plan


an advertisement for a shopping mall in jakarta, indonesia
a woman is standing on a railing next to a river
a girl and a boy playing soccer on the beach
a picture of a lake with a boat in the background
an advertisement for a residential development
a house with a swimming pool and a view of the ocean
the entrance to a house with a sign that says 12 house security shop
a 3d rendering of a house in the woods
an illustration of a modern living room
a living room with a view of the ocean

Untuk Informasi Representative Hubungi:


Whatsapp 0811 837 188

Specialist Project

Agung Sedayu Group 2010 s/d 2023

Marketing Of The Year Pergudangan Green Sedayu Bizpark Cakung

an aerial view of a city with a golf course in the background